Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Leverage the power of marketing automation technology

Keep up with the demands of your growing business by implementing marketing automation. From chatbots to email marketing, we’ll help you leverage marketing software tools to remove friction from the buyer’s journey and simplify your internal processes.

Marketing automation services may include:

marketing automation

Marketing Automation Services

Automate. Automate. Automate.

Implementing marketing automation can save your organization time and money and create a better buying experience for your prospects. 

If you’re ready to upgrade your marketing but don’t know where to start, schedule a free consultation to discuss your challenges and needs. 

Email Automation​

If you’re spending half of your day writing emails or checking your inbox, you’re doing it wrong. Use workflows to automate followups and nurture leads and customers. From simple auto-responders to complex lead nurturing campaigns, we’ve got you covered.


Chat bots and AI are the future of sales and client success. Whether you’re looking to simply implement live chat or want to dive into complex chatflows and lead scoring, we have the knowledge and tools to build you a sophisticated chat solution that delights your visitors and supports your sales teams.

Operational Workflows

Is your CRM a nightmare of duplicate records, missing properties and data gaps? No problem. We will harness the power of automation to clean up your CRM and keep things orderly moving forward.​

Data integrations

Done dealing with data silos? Suffer no more! Many of the marketing and sales software tools you’re probably already using can be integrated together to sync data and ensure uniformity across all platforms. We’ll help you create dashboards and reports to easily aggregate data and share progress and success with members throughout your organization.

Talk to us

Want to learn more about how GenBound can help you achieve your goals? Book a meeting with a revenue growth specialist to discuss your needs.

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